
Sunday, 12 April 2009

The New World

Today, finally after a long time of absence, after a long time of being lost in the bitter confusion that is this modern life... These last days have been an eye opener for me, the space of time we are living in, probably one of the most important in these last decades. At least since the fall of the wall... Unlike any other post I have done before, in this one I want to try to find a solution, for I can't live like tgus anymore ... Unlike any words I have written before, I want to find a new path, because this path we have walked on for so long, for almost one hundred scores, has come to a hard and brutal end. To understand where we stand today, I must, we must, our generation must understand where we stood, in those years of 1988, 1989, 1990, 91, and 92, because throughout those years unlike any period before, people thought that change was coming, that maybe, just maybe for the better. People thought that with the end of the Cold War, finally the world would be united under one cover of peace. We must understand how people believed back then, that the winds of change where blowing, and that with the force of hurricane would make the old walls of division tumble. We must understand the believe of a generation of human beings, to understand the world we where born into and the opportunity that now lies in front of us, son of the actual crisis.

It was the 7th of June at around 6 o'clock , the year was 1992. Yes I came into this world on that day, in that magical period of time. For sometime in my life I was proud about being born the 7th, because 7 was that magical number, but today I have finally found that it was more the period that was magical, more then a mere number.
On that day I'm sure that many looked up to the sky in pain, and in disgrace. But I have the tendency to the believe the contrary, that on, that day more people around the world looked up toward the sky, with a little bit more hope, I have the belief that, that day some probably more then usual looked up to the sky with a belief, the belief that the world was finally going to change, and that they we're witnessing that change. It was a magical period, really it must of been, after almost 50 years of deadlock "cold war", finally we where seeing the impossible, the once upon a time dream, that was never supposed to come true, become a reality. For the first time in years the whole world seemed united, by a simple handshake. It was there, coming out of every corner, out of every path leaked the belief that a new world was to come.
The sources of that belief was the fall of the communist curtain, and the opening up of all of the old communist countries. One after another the communist regimes fell, and even the great USSR was about to fall. Many times, had men believed that the cold war would end, and yet so many men had died before seeing their prophecy accomplished. Many had believed that one day the wall would fall, but no one believed that it would come so peacefully. I would have loved to be there that day, the day, the wall fell, to see the faces of those people, that had lived in sorrow and desperation for so long, those same faces that not so long ago had believed that, that day they had dreamed of for so long, would simply never come. And yet that day, the day the wall fell the world shifted, the world changed.
And when we, this generation, us the echo-boomers, came into this world at a moment of immense, of enormous hope, a period of history during witch so many believed that the new world was coming. And yet it didn't...
Hope was all over in those first years of the last decade of the 20th century, it was probably unlike anything before, unlike the unrest, unlike the belief that the world had to change, during the 60's, at the start of the 90's there was a similar belief, but the belief was different, the belief wasn't that the world could change, but that the world was changing. In the early 90's people had this belief, that finally after so many fights for change, the world was changing, but it was changing by itself, without the intervention of anything, the world was changing, as if a new rotation had began. I'm sure that on that day, on the 7th of June 1992, we could feel the heat, the heat of a new beginning, of a reborn hope, the heat of a new summer. And that summer did not die out when that show started to fall, on the plains, on the lakes, on the coasts, for the heat of the flame, lived on... Even through the dark cold times of war and genocide that occurred in the middle of the 90's the faith still marched on, a faith that whispered, that dawn was coming, that we could already see the rays of dawn.
And dawn came on the 1st of January 2000, dawn came. I was eight years old at the time and I feel sorry now to not of had cherished the historical moment with full knowledge of what was happening, I was living a moment that, we where living a moment that only a few humans would get to live every 1000 years. I guess that all over the world that day a new wind of hope filed our air. And yet that day past by, they didn't catch that outstanding opportunity that was there in front of them. Months passed, and an election was stolen, the millennium had changed, men stayed the same. And then came that horrid day, the day that made the world doubt, and the world doubted since then. As a result of that doubt two wars where born, nations where broken, lives torn, and yet we where in the 21st century, in the 3rd millennium, and yet....
The clouds, dark clouds came down I guess... And as a young teen, looking back on the glory of the past years I thought, that some how history had came to an end, that somehow everything had came to brutal halt, that we, humanity had fallen into a dark hole that sucked the hope out of us. And so years passed, and yet nothing seemed to have changed...

Years passed, here we stand at exactly the same place in time, a time in which great walls of brick are falling where great walls of brick are being smashed down to the ground, walls that once seemed unbreakable, walls that once seemed would stand between us forever.
In the space of so few years so much has changed it's shocking, in 2001 towers fell, in 2003 a lie made a war, that forever would wound the world. And in 2005 it seemed as if the new millennium would be a millennium of violence and of terror, in which scare would rule. But some how looking at it now, things couldn't have gone a differently, because as an immediate result of this madness people from all over the world, proved that radicalism and fanaticism are not the paths to prosperity. Things turned around just like in the 1990's, instead of the fall of communism we had the fall of "Bushism " the fall of politics that preferred to negotiation, action and violent action, it was also the fall "Talibanism" because since the start of "the war on terror" the Muslim world had seen that actually radical thinkers like the heads of Al-Qaeda are not the solution they are part of the problem they are not bringing peace to theirs homes more so they are bringing death and desolation to every doorstep of the middle east.
From this vintage point looking back on this last decade, one thing is for sure, we have came so far. In 2001 the world was polarized between the axis of evil and what was supposed to b e the free world, but today we are at a real turning point in history.
When the Berlin wall came down, we all know that with it crumbled the communist ideal that had been corrupted by the weight of reality and the weight of men. But let's try to go back to the roots of communism, for the roots of communism there are many they lay at the heart of every great revolutionary thought. They are founded in the teachings of Jesus, and they are founded in Thomas Müntzer's sermon to the princes, they are the ideal that motivated so many puritans and pilgrims to brave the sea and the storms to build with their two own hands a new world. For the roots of every human ideal are the same, for the majority of humans want to build that kingdom of heaven on earth as Thomas Müntzer said.
When the Berlin wall came down that ideal was not washed away, that objective did not fade away, the thing that for a moment seemed to be fading a away was fear, was terror. We all said that when the Berlin wall came down, communism fell. False communism never existed. All ideals are written on paper and most of them never become more then that, and when they do it's in the majority of cases bad.
Today we are at a turning point in world history once again, for finally we do not live in a polarized world, we live in a globalized world in which more then ever now, nations of the third world have their voice. When the Berlin wall fell many people said that we where in a unpolarized world because with the fall of the USSR the USA where the only true superpower, that was true for a time, but a another result of the war on terror, the United States gave up its place as uncontested super power, and other powers emerged, countries like China and India, Venezuela and Brazil, South Africa and the European Union made their voice noticed. And this is a good thing because the world little by little is giving in and is becoming a more "multifaced" world. This diversity is a recent thing looking back to the start of glottalization in the 18th century the European powers ruled the world instill the second half of 20th century and from then on of course it was the the USA and the USSR and the third world had no place, no real weight. But today it seems as if all the world is becoming the third world, a world that doesn't fallow the communist or capitalist ideal, but a third way, a middle way.

Today we have an opportunity, in the years to come I believe that are generation will have that opportunity for the world is remodeling itself at a rapid pace, a new world is being created in front of our eyes, as the result of the defeat of radical capitalism and of the theories of the school of Chicago, as the result of the joint defeat of "Bushism" and "Talibanism", the defeat of the so called war on terror policies, as the result of the election of Barack Obama.
Today we stand for sure at a turning point in history for the theories of the past century have been sent to the grave. We live in a period of immense hope, because we know that day by day we are creating a "new world".
The time has come to let these things aside, the polarized world and the fights of the past, and try to create a new world, a better world, a cleaner world, a more human world. For the possibility lays within our hands it is up to us to not make the same mistakes as in the 1990's.

This was to serious and too long probably but what the ****
here's your moment of zen after a long period of absence.....